I flashed the WLED application to my WT32-ETH01 and used the wireless connection to set the ethernet type in the WLED settings to “WT32-ETH01”. Now I like to create a direct wireless connection using ethernet. So the WT32-ETH01 is connected with an ethernet cable to my laptop over a ethernet-usb adapter - but this doesn’t work yet. How can I do this correctly and how can I figure out the IP address, which I need to start the WLED web application?
But what comes next? There is still the Problem with the IP address. I use the command window to type in “ipconfig” and see the IP4 Address of the controller. But I cant open a connection with this address.
I think you’re confusing some network concepts.
On a PC, opening a cmd window and typing “ipconfig” will show you the network information for your PC
That IP address has nothing to do with your ESP32 board.
You have to configure the ESP32 with a different IP on the same subnet as your PC.
Update: I found the solution. It seems like the web installer was my problem. A friend of mine told me that sometimes the flushed files from the web installer is a little defective in sense of the ethernet connection. I used files from git to flash the same wled version and it worked.
I created a net with participants using the same subnet mask ( and are my ips) and it works without router.
The process I always use with the WT32-ETH01 is burn the standard WLED (not the ethernet one) and connect to it with WiFi to configure your settings (connect it to your WiFi, set your IP Address, etc.).
From there, you can upgrade your WLED to the Ethernet version and it will keep any IP addressing that you have previously set. Make sure you set the ethernet type to the proper setting (WT32-ETH01) and you can then plug in an ethernet cable between the ETH01 and your switch/router and access it by that IP address.
Yes, it’s an extra step, but I’ve also had issues burning the ethernet version directly to the board and having it work correctly.
Haven’t had a need for that, Ethernet is disabled by default anyway until you go select the ETH01 mode.
You might have run into the unreliable boot issue.
Did you also set a gateway? From my experience the static IP won’t be used unless you do (even if there’s nothing at the IP you set, just has to be something set).
Unfortunately, this didn’t work as well. I’ve set the gateway to and ip addresses accordingly to .2 and .3 - same subnet. What else can be done?