I’m designing a new pcb and want to include an IR sensor.
I have been playing with a TSOP38438 but have no real luck in controlling WLED using moonlight and other firmwares.
According to Visay datasheet, that particular IRM uses ACG2. They tell to use a newer one that I do not have (wth AGC4). I also desoldered an IRM from a working setup and place it on my test pcb to no avail.
Is the software problematic?
Anyway, I want to include a smd type IRM.
Which one can you suggest that works? ie. has been tested to work flawlesly. Preferable one that is in stock at JLCPCB.
About the protocols, what do these IR transitters usually use? Is it NEC, RC5,… or some obscure protocol that my IRM cannot decode properly?
Thanks for your answers and comments.