MagicHome ESP8285 IR Problem

Hi everyone;

First of all I want to say thanks to all developer for this amazing project ! I really enjoy to use this for my led configurations.

Anyway I have a problem about Magic Home led strip controller, that is, I can use my IR controller till I reboot or re-power my device.

I am using PlatormIO for flashing.

After flashing I have seleceted my IR type and saved the configration from UI.

Then I can recieve IR codes and I can confirm it via serial reads,

But when I save and reboot device or re-energize it than I can’t see neither IR controller setting nor IR codes from Serial Reads.

Finally, I have to select ir remote type all the time from the sync settings for using my remote controller. How can I make it a permanent selection ?

My configuration like this,

#ifndef NpbWrapper_h
#define NpbWrapper_h

#ifndef LEDPIN
#define LEDPIN 2 //strip pin. Any for ESP32, gpio2 or 3 is recommended for ESP8266 (gpio2/3 are labeled D4/RX on NodeMCU and Wemos)
//#define USE_APA102 // Uncomment for using APA102 LEDs.
//#define USE_WS2801 // Uncomment for using WS2801 LEDs (make sure you have NeoPixelBus v2.5.6 or newer)
//#define USE_LPD8806 // Uncomment for using LPD8806
//#define USE_TM1814 // Uncomment for using TM1814 LEDs (make sure you have NeoPixelBus v2.5.7 or newer)
//#define USE_P9813 // Uncomment for using P9813 LEDs (make sure you have NeoPixelBus v2.5.8 or newer)
//#define WLED_USE_ANALOG_LEDS //Uncomment for using “dumb” PWM controlled LEDs (see pins below, default R: gpio5, G: 12, B: 15, W: 13)
//#define WLED_USE_H801 //H801 controller. Please uncomment #define WLED_USE_ANALOG_LEDS as well
//#define WLED_USE_5CH_LEDS //5 Channel H801 for cold and warm white
//#define WLED_USE_BWLT11

#ifndef BTNPIN
#define BTNPIN 0 //button pin. Needs to have pullup (gpio0 recommended)

#ifndef TOUCHPIN
//#define TOUCHPIN T0 //touch pin. Behaves the same as button. ESP32 only.

#ifndef IRPIN
#define IRPIN 4 //infrared pin (-1 to disable) MagicHome: 4, H801 Wifi: 0

// You are required to disable over-the-air updates:

//#define WLED_DISABLE_OTA // saves 14kb

// You need to choose some of these features to disable:

#define WLED_DISABLE_ALEXA // saves 11kb

#define WLED_DISABLE_BLYNK // saves 6kb

#define WLED_DISABLE_CRONIXIE // saves 3kb

#define WLED_DISABLE_HUESYNC // saves 4kb

//#define WLED_DISABLE_INFRARED // there is no pin left for this on ESP8266-01, saves 12kb


#define WLED_ENABLE_MQTT // saves 12kb


#define WLED_ENABLE_ADALIGHT // saves 500b only

//#define WLED_ENABLE_DMX // uses 3.5kb (use LEDPIN other than 2)

#define WLED_ENABLE_LOXONE // uses 1.2kb




#define WLED_ENABLE_FS_EDITOR // enable /edit page for editing FS content. Will also be disabled with OTA lock

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File

; Please visit documentation:




Please uncomment one of the lines below to select your board(s)


Travis CI binaries (comment this out with a ‘;’ when building for your own board)

; default_envs = travis_esp8266, travis_esp32

Release binaries

; default_envs = nodemcuv2, esp01_1m_full, esp32dev, custom_WS2801, custom_APA102, custom_LEDPIN_16, custom_LEDPIN_4, custom_LEDPIN_3, custom32_LEDPIN_16, custom32_APA102

; default_envs = esp8285_5CH_H801

Single binaries (uncomment your board)

; default_envs = nodemcuv2

; default_envs = esp01

; default_envs = esp01_1m_ota

; default_envs = esp01_1m_full

; default_envs = esp07

; default_envs = d1_mini

; default_envs = heltec_wifi_kit_8

; default_envs = h803wf

; default_envs = d1_mini_debug

; default_envs = d1_mini_ota

; default_envs = esp32dev

default_envs = esp8285_4CH_MagicHome

; default_envs = esp8285_4CH_H801

; default_envs = esp8285_5CH_H801

; default_envs = d1_mini_5CH_Shojo_PCB

; default_envs = wemos_shield_esp32

; default_envs = m5atom

; default_envs = esp32_poe

I need your help :slight_smile: Does anyone have any suggestion about this issue ?

Many Thanks

Thanks for all,

I have fixed with the guide from this link;