Matek 2812 8 Led Strip & ESP32 Wroom Issues

I am using Matek 2812 (8) led strip that is sold to be used on drones for a project I am doing. The microprocessor is a ESP32 Wroom. with the latest WLED install. I am getting flashing leds and only the first led is changing colors. What could be going on here? The leds are 5v and the microprocessor I am using a wall adapter. I also tried it on a power supply but it is still the same. I have never had these issues with a ESP8266 in my projects.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Do you have a choice of GPIOs for your LED outputs?
Many boards have other circuitry attached to the lower GPIO pins.

If you can try GPIO 16 (make sure to setup WLED to match).

I switched from GPIO2 to GPIO16 and still having the same issue. Since this is an ESP32 with 3.3v pins maybe I need a logic level converter for 3.3v up to 5v.

Anybody else had this issue?

Well, the 8266 is also a 3.3V device (unless there’s an on board levelshifter?)

Certainly wouldn’t hurt to try a 74AHCTxxx based level shifter.
Just make sure to tie down all the floating inputs.

And probably worth mentioning for completeness sake - make sure you have common ground between the ESP power and the LED power.

I found the led strip was bad. After getting new ones, problem solved! THANKS!