WeMos D1 mini WLAN connectivity

Hi everybody,

I have the issue that I flashed my WeMos D1 mini with WLED 14.4 through the Webflasher.
But the same happens if I flash with ESPHOME.
It’s possible to configure the WLAN connection and the WeMos get lister by my FritzBox.

And that’s all. Sometimes I have the possibility to connect once to the GUI but after that the WeMos doesn’t anything. Same thing happens with older version up to 13.3.

In my Home Network the WeMos is still listed, but I can’t connect through the IP.
The WeMos get powered over USB, without LEDs and via Power Supply with LEDs (5V 8A, 60pcs WS2812B).

If I try the same thing with my ESP8266 nothing happens and everything works fine.

Both devices are from AZ Delivery.

I hope someone can help me.

Hi @eXotioN Welcome
you shoudt remove the UNPOWERD WEMOS from the fritzbox setup!
restart Fritzbox wait 2min minimum
then power WEMOS via usb NOT FROM a PC
Press the Reset Button on the Wemos

see Fritzbox ip adress

use terminal and PING the WEMOS IP adress

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It was possible to ping the WeMos via Terminal, but I couldn’t open the GUI.
Now I flashed the WeMos with Version 14.0 an tried your solution.
It seems to be that the problems are away.

Thanks for your help!

@eXotioN Great to her its working