Which ESP32 board for sound rective project?

Can someone give a link to aliexpres or bangood where i could by best ESP32 board for sound reactive WLED project? I found so many different boards (S2-S3 and so on…) and not sure which will work.

I’m just starting with WLED but have done three projects with the 32U model. I picked them because you can add an antenna and I wanted to be sure that I would get a good signal. If you do choose this model, ensure to get the antenna (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32932439079.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.67.10411802jJR64a) because the signal is pretty weak without it. Since I’m new at this, I picked a chip that looks similar to the ones featured on Chris Maher’s YouTube channel.

The 32S variant is similar. Both the 32S and the 32U have 38 pins. You could go with a 30-pin model like the Type C, I’m sure. You have less options for adding peripherals but if you are not loading up your circuits with buttons, microphones, and motion sensors, you’re probably good.