WLED & 512LED Matrix: 8bit pic or text as preset

Hi there,
few years ago I built some 512 WS2812B LED matrix and controlled them with the
diamex USB controllers only for party purpose. Now I changed the controllers to
nodemcu and WLED and it works great, e.g. with Jinx! and over Wifi. :slightly_smiling_face:

Now I want to have one of these frames in my room as a picture frame with notifications of my
home automation. My idea: If nothing happens, there should be old 8-bit graphics shown in slide
show mode or maybe running a small fire gif in low brightness. If e.g. the door bell is ringing
(home automation hardware everything is done and I can trigger http API with it) then there should
be a bell sign or a text like “Doorbell ringing” on the frame. Now my problem in understanding:
Is this possible with WLED? Can I control the matrix as it is (not only a stripe but 32x16
px)? Is it possible to store the matrix dimensions on the nodemcu and is it possible to store more
then stripe presets? (If I understand right, all the FXs are only stripe drawn, not for martix)
Probably I have to use another client (raspberry) to get this working?

If you have software that uses E1.31 or other pixel level protocol WLED understands, that software can send image data, and can probably respond to triggers from your HA system.

Maybe a raspberry running Jinx! would be the best solution.
Jinx! is running fine under Wine and it is remote controlled.
Never did something with the remotes of Jinx! but ok, lets see.