WLED with E1.31, Jinx and more than 512 Chanels

WLED with E1.31, Jinx and more than 512 Chanels

Yes, I found an nearly equal question here but it has no answer until now. So let“s try again :smile:

I would like to control a matrix with approx. 900 or more LEDs via Jinx. However, the 512 channels of a DMX universe are not enough for this. WLED can control up to 9 universes via E1.31. The starting universe can then be specified in the configuration.
Question: Does WLED then process all universes on one ESP chip or do I have to use a separate ESP chip for each universe? I would like to process 6 - 8 universes on one chip.

Greetz Kai-Uwe

Hi welcome
You can get a better info on how to E131 as you look on Xlights over WLED

you can change the universe as you like WLED will keep up as you did on the CONFIG
if you configure 100LED/300channels on portA the channel 301/LED 101 will automaticly act on LED 101

so no need to take furter action as of the base config
Id personly like to put a preset on eatch Universe on wled seperate
to get a very good setup on powerup