Continuing the discussion from Are WS2814 24v RGBW LED Strips compatible with WLED?:
I think I’m having the same issue as @Kai-X1 and. I’ll just dump as much info as I can in the hopes of someone helping us
Controller: Esp32 Type-c
Continuing the discussion from Are WS2814 24v RGBW LED Strips compatible with WLED?:
I think I’m having the same issue as @Kai-X1 and. I’ll just dump as much info as I can in the hopes of someone helping us
Controller: Esp32 Type-c
LEDS: WS2814 24v White PCB RGB WW IP30
Logic Level Shifter: Gifted by a member of my hackerspace, seems like a TXS0108E
Power Supply:
Connecting a 3.3v GPIO pin from an esp32 directly to the data wire of an ws2814 LED strip results in white flickering instead of any color I select. I have searched this up and am fairly certain that this is because the data pin should accept a 5v input. This can be achieved with a logic level shifter. I did exactly that
This is basically the same setup as above but with a Logic level shifter based on the TXS0108E
. With this setup the LEDS do not react in any way or form. They dont even turn on until I touch the exposed wire with my finger.
Here is a video showcasing what I described above:
I don’t see a 5v positive input on the board from your power supply. Am I missing something?
I also don’t see a capacitor between ground and positive on the level shifter. I’m not sure how that would affect thing, though, as I’m not that knowledgeable on level shifters.
My suggestion:
Wire the TXs0108 just like the diagram in the KB (that’s why its posted there).
The only thing you can leave out is the 62Ohm resistor, that’s optional.
The wiring of all the other pins is not.
The reason all the pins need to wired:
That OE pin stands for “Output Enable” - meaning the output drivers get enabled.
Until you tie that to the 3.3V, nothing will happen at the outputs.
Follow the instructions…
5v positive comes through USB ^^
I take that and feed it to the LLS by bridging the VIN
pin on the ESP32 with the red 5V wire
Technically you can leave it out says this forum post:
Although my power supply’s noisy-ness isnt exactly confidence instilling. I’ll give that a shot, thanks!
Thank you for that simple explanation! That’s exactly what I needed. I thought I’d ask around first before warranting a trip to my local hackerspace for just a resistor :D
Will keep this thread updated.
Connecting OE to 3.3v totally did the trick! I ended up using a 250K resistor to connect the two :)
Thanks for the help!
Also worth looking at is adafruit’s page on logic level shifters:
I am using WS2814 24v COB strips in my setup and they are working. I am using Quinled DigUno. They are finicky, little concerned using them for a permanent install. So far so good
“abuse” two RS485 transciver ICs as levelshifter
you solve two problems at once time. Levelshifting and long lines. Up to 500 meters between ESP and LED-stripe are possible.
At ESP side you should use a 3,3V version, like SP3485 - ESP module can power up the transciver IC also.
There is no need for a level shifter, if the strip start flickering when brightness is increased you need a 2.5K ohm resistor to lower the voltage on the WS2814 IC VCC pin from 5.2V to around 4.4V(this was the best for me). The WS2814 is not powered directly from the 24V or 12V line but has a 8.2K (24V strip ) resistor witch allow the IC to drop the voltage down to about 5.2V. The 2.5K ohm resistor need to be soldered in parallel with the filtering capacitor close to the first IC. This will ensure the first IC will operare properly with the 3.3V signal from the controller and will output the signal with 4.4V witch is also close to 5.2V of the next IC. From the second IC the signalling will go forward on the designated voltage level 5.2V.